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Sunday, June 3, 2012



     This being the first of what my bride and I hope to be many communiques to the ekklesia I thought it would be a meaningful disclosure of how our Lord Jesus uses me. He communicates most often to me through visions which are messages He wants to convey to all His chosen ones. The following is one of those visions.
     On a bright and clear afternoon around 3:00 pm some 25+ years ago I was driving West and heading home from work. I was not thinking of anything in particular when all of a sudden everything went black. For an instant I thought I had gone blind.
     Then there appeared in full and living color from horizon to horizon (don't ask me to explain how I knew that it was horizon to horizon, I just knew) an extremely huge dragon. The colors of the body were greens, blues and yellows. Its head was to the right and tail to the left.
     As I looked at this huge dragon I was suddenly drawn up high to see two huge angels standing on each side of me and just enough in front that they could extend their arms in front of me to protect. I was then back in my body. The dragon turned its head toward us. The most memorable were the eyes which were like a volcano's fire, swirling reds, oranges and yellows and filled with bitter hate and rage.
     I was in no fear. Then the dragon spewed fire toward us, enough to engulf. However, the fire stopped about four feet in front of us as if it had hit an invisible shield. Still no fear.
     Suddenly from over my left shoulder came a white laser like shot hitting the tail. Then in rapid fire came four more shots up the body of the dragon until the last hit the head. The dragon was gone immediately and in its place where the tail had been came Jesus astride a white horse and leaning to His left with an outstretched arm reaching down for me.
     I raised my left arm to grab His and asked, "Where are we going?" He responded, "To My Father", and suddenly I found myself back on the freeway.
   For several days I tried to determine how far I had traveled during the vision and came to the conclusion that when caught in the Now Dimension of God there is no time and therefore had traveled no distance in this dimension. During this time I also was inquiring of the Lord as to the interpretation of the vision.
     Of course the dragon represents satan. The fire is the only fire he will ever know. Angels protect us. The number five is the number for grace. The laser lights represent the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who destroyed all the works of the enemy. Jesus is the way for us to go to the Father and is ever interceding for us.
     The overall message is that our enemy and his works are destroyed and we need to accept that as the overriding message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Truth that it is.

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