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Saturday, September 1, 2012


As my wife, Kathy Ann (which means pure grace; and she is) were searching the word in an attitude of expectancy, I was telling her that the old form of church with buildings and self appointed ministries and ministers interested only in the things of terra firma is being replaced, and quickly the Lord is gathering together those of one mind and one heart who are only “seeking the city whose architect and builder is God” which is not made with the hands of man.
As I was revealing what the Lord was showing me my hands were hovering above the table moving with palms face down and circling like someone gathering together things on a table and I knew that this is what the Lord is NOW doing.
I suddenly saw the cloud and I heard “a cloud of witnesses”. Immediately I was in the presence of the Spirit and began to sob uncontrollably for His people for they have not their eyes on the Lord today but on the things of the past of form and tradition and there will be those who will not embrace this move of the Spirit because it means letting go of the little kingdoms they have built, yes, even those men and women who have certain gifting and callings who are stuck in the old structures and mind sets. This is the result of assumption and presumption that the manna of yesterday is the same for today. Jesus is building His ecclesia, but men and women are running to and fro not truly knowing where and to whom they are appointed to be joined with but like having a shotgun approach of getting a word and letting it go. We are to “be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger”. We are to enter His rest!
Those who are in the NOW of God will to go to the New City in the New Jerusalem to be joined with those of like mind and heart to obtain that which is only found in Zion, the mountain of God, where He wills to reveal of His Glory and once obtained they, the cloud of witnesses, return to the earth with and in the Spirit of the Lord to speak and to do according to what they have heard and seen.
                There is a new thing in computing called the cloud, some of which according to Wikipedia, is called the “Community Cloud and is a sharing of infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community with common concerns. Cloud architecture delivers communications with multiple clouds over a loose coupling mechanism such as a messaging queue. Elastic provision implies intelligence in the use of tight or loose couplings as applied to mechanisms …”          
                God has called all of us to be in that “cloud” to become one with one another where we will share what has been communicated with each of us, first to the cloud we are in and then with other multiple clouds to reveal the message of today. The mind of Christ, the intelligence of God is revealed as we seek His face, His presence. The works, mechanisms of God are that we know Him and the Son whom He sent.
God has always been interested in a people as a nation, not those who go it alone (although some may be called for a season to go it alone). For years I personally have felt that I would not be complete until I was joined with those of like mind and heart and as one would administer the things of God’s own heart. It is happening NOW in my life and in other places all over the world.
Let not your heart be troubled dear ones, for He has prepared a place for you in His Mountain and Temple of Glory to live forever in His presence. Seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength for when you do you shall certainly see that He is that City, the New Jerusalem, the all in all for which you seek. Be encouraged that the One who has you in His hand will surely bring you into all that He has promised.

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