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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I am not much of a fighter, never have been. I hate pain. But I hear the Lord saying, “Will you fight for love? Will you wrestle with anything to obtain and hold onto love? Will you come to the place in your soul where you are so dissatisfied with it that you know the only way through is to devote your whole being to the cause of love? It is My cause, you know.”
I was watching a singer rehearse for a performance last night and the coach said, “You are too cerebral. Let go. The moment you start to judge how your performance is doing in your head as you are singing you’ve lost it.” Wow. That is so true.
The moment we start thinking rather than yielding to that which is within we lose it. In sports it’s called choking. You hear all the time, “He had it, but he choked.” I’ve done that more times than I care to remember.
To yield or not to yield that is the question. How do we let go? Let go of fear. Fear of failure. Fear of making a fool of yourself. Fear of losing friends. Fear of being judged. It is only perfect love that casts out fear.
If you are a believer, as I suspect you are, you must come to know that you were borne by of perfect love to be placed into and become one with perfect love. Reckon that old man of the flesh, of the world, dead in Christ. The old man can’t live in there anyway because he was dead the moment he entered this world, totally separated from Life.
But love came and love conquered the death you were in and made you alive in Him just as it was predestined and now you are being made aware of who you really were always and forever meant to be. More than a conqueror!
Sure it’s going to be a series of battles but each one belongs to the Lord of love and that love, that unconditional from above love that never, no never can fail. So enter the fray.
Yep, love came one day. He came to stay. He said, “I ain’t going away”. So get over your old self, say goodbye to it once and for all and embrace the new completed in love you and love somebody!

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Jesus said He would never leave nor forsake. That simply means that the redeemer, the healer, the provider, the filler-upper with Himself ain't goin' nowhere. Love came one day to you and to me and He will not leave, He came to make a home. "I have loved you with an everlasting love" Jer 31:3.
                In February 1981 as I was driving to work I had just finished singing the Lord's Prayer and suddenly my desperation for deliverance from the path or grave that I was in and to become one with the truth and life caused me to cry out silently from within, "Lord blind me like the Apostle Paul and run me into the ditch right here right now so I will stop and listen to You."
                Suddenly the car was filled with a presence and I simply knew who it was. Then a form started taking place in the passenger's seat composed of what seemed to be millions, maybe billions of bright lights, brighter than the early morning sun coming through the fog. I was frozen to the wheel with eyes straight ahead but could see the vision, epiphany, manifestation of His presence with my peripheral vision and then He spoke words of light entering the right side of my loins and shooting through my whole being spirit, soul and body, "You do not need an experience like Paul. I have been here all along."
                The vision left but not the presence, my right hand shot off the wheel into the air and I exclaimed, "That's right! I have called You Lord but never allowed You to be the Lord that You are!"

                Life came to me that day and gave me not only an experience like Paul but baptized Me into the Light and I have never been the same. For the next nine years He poured Himself into me through His living Word, which is Himself and though from time to time I succumb to the trappings of the world He is faithful to remind me He is ever present through experiences I've had in Him.
                  Yes, love came to stay that day and He's not going away.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Jesus said He came to save souls. We’ve come to understand that the soul was captive to the world and its prince and Jesus’ blood paid the Father’s price that we be redeemed and brought back into a right relationship with the Father. Jesus exclaimed while on the cross, “the debt is paid”, which has been translated as, “it is finished”.
                So the Almighty’s Son completed His first assignment. When Jesus went to the Father after His resurrection I can hear the Father saying, “Well done My Son”, and the Son saying, “Shall I now go and get them?” and the Father said, Go now and get them and restore them unto Me and in this You will not fail.” So the second assignment began which was to “pour out of His Spirit on all flesh”. That too was finished on the day of Pentecost.
                So now the new heaven and the new earth together, within Christ, has come this time with no respect for sin for the price has been paid and grace and truth are now being presented by the Spirit. Our soul is redeemed to the praise of His name Yeshua; which means Yahweh saves (delivers). Yes delivers, out of darkness and into light, from death (separation from God) into and becoming one within Eternal Life (Yeshua).
                We also know that we, who believe, are the temple of the Holy Spirit and have residing within us every spiritual blessing and all things pertaining to eternal life and godliness (holiness). So our fleshly being which is out of the earth and will return to the earth is a mobile temple which Yeshua gave to the new you which now has been sanctified, set apart for good works (in the body but not of the body).
                When we were baptized into His name we were submerged and merged into His Spirit, into His same oneness with the Father. Now out of the Love which is within comes the River that flows from the Throne to restore all that was foretold by His prophets. In the absolute, the mind of Christ this too is “finished”. AMEN.