Many "believers" have
been taught and therefore truly believe and say they will "go to heaven
when I die", and while true, is only a small bit of the Truth. This belief
has led them to struggles while on earth between light and darkness never
finding their true self within Christ.
Genesis Chapter 1 we learn that in beginnings Elohim created the heavens and
the earth and what He created was beautiful and He also said upon His
completion of it that it was very beautiful. But there came a separation
through deception ("for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"-Matthew
26:41) and so "in the fullness of time Elohim sent His Son" (Galatians
4:4) to die to the flesh "once for all" (Hebrews 10:10).
favor, His grace, has been given to us freely and it is His Son, Christ Jesus,
who lives within us and within whom we live and have our being (Acts 17:28).
Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10, "we are His (God's) workmanship
(creation) created within Christ Jesus that God (Elohim the creator) had
prepared from before the foundation of the earth that we should walk (the Way)
within them."
dying however Jesus had to first submit His entire being unto Elohim (His Father).
He had to suffer first in His soul before suffering in the flesh. He had to be
willing to give up His entire will to the will of His Father and only then
would the sacrifice of the flesh be an acceptable sacrifice. (Luke 22:42-44)
truly receiving Christ it is as much about willingly dying as it is about
living, for unless we receive both Jesus' death to the flesh and His soul as our
own and the new life given within Him through His resurrection we will continue
to be at times separated and at others united with Him in a state of what I
have termed the "wilderness of the soul". Having been freed from the
slavish obedience to the flesh and yet unwilling, whether through ignorance or
self-will, to enter the fullness of the spirit wherein is the "land of
must come to the revelation that although we who believe are in the world we
are not of it. That goes equally as well by saying although we are in the flesh
we are not of it. "For out of Him (Elohim) are you within Christ." It
is a forever thing. We must agree with
Him 24/7 and walk in Him (the Spirit) to experience the fullness that He has
given. And that is a forever thing too.