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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Caught somewhere between presumption and wishing
I realized and knew something huge was missing.
Having gone around this mountain so many times before
And never finding that "thing" I was looking for
Even repeating all the sayings that seemed so right
And yet here, all over again I'm having to fight
Through all the muck and the mire I presumed was gone
Asking of every step if this is the right path I'm now on.
Can't return to Egypt for there is nothing there for me.
I know beyond knowing that I've been set free
But why I ask over and over am I in this place?
Ever wondering what is in the morrow that I will face.
Why am I waiting for what I do not know will appear
Just to repeat the past failings wrapped in a big dose of fear
That speaks, "Did I not hear to the point of understanding?
I am just flying by the seat of my pants with no landing?
 When suddenly comes the oft heard whisper of despair
From the ancient but defeated prince of the air.
Lost and seemingly helpless is it time to give in
To the thoughts warring against the mind within?
I know, but yet have not wholly taken my eternal stand
That as an heir of promise I do inherit the land.
Then Truth speaks again, "Every battle has already been won".
And quickly as I release all my cares to the Magnificent One
Overcoming is not in some far away ethereal plan
It is now, it is here and it is ever and always at hand.
My heart and my soul breathe and take a giant leap
And from my enemy who seemed so near I hear no peep.
And with renewed vigor and zeal I look around and around
That enemy who seemed so real could now nowhere be found.
Yes, in the absolute of things and as foretold
By the prophets before and of ancient of old;
Yes, even written down over and over again
The God of all Life and Living will always win.
And now He comes speaking as in days of old
To remind us of what His voice in them told.
It now is the time to reckon as here what is to be

His promise alive and living within, alive to thrive in me!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Recently it came to me that Jesus, while in the flesh, walked the earth in flesh but following after the Holy Spirit who was leading Him by His own sinless spirit and therefore He walked in obedience without sinning. However the big separation came on the cross when the Holy Spirit left Him because the Father put all the sin and sins for all time upon Him. Because the life of the flesh is in the blood and the flesh was dead to the Life of God that life of the flesh was poured out, first in the Garden of Gethsemane and then on the cross until the flesh died.
The sky became dark because the light of men was removed. But the Light returned, Jesus arose and ascended and returned to and walked the earth for 40 days as the last Adam, of the new Heaven and New Earth. He left with instructions for the disciples to go wait for the Holy Spirit to come upon them to put upon them and infuse them with this new thing.
They waited for ten days and then on Pentecost while they were waiting and praying, from Heaven came forth the New Earth’s first fruits as the Holy Spirit was poured out upon all flesh. The old man of the flesh was burned away by Love’s passion and those immersed into and birthed of the New Earth began to prophesy and multiply to replenish the earth which was void of the Spirit.
So now we too, whether we understand fully or not, have as God’s free gift new life out of God and are in the world but not of it. Christ is our all in all for “to live is Christ”. It is out of His very essence we testify and our testimony is true that we are forever new within a new and living way no longer separated but joined to Him. It is ours to give, as we are led out of the free flow of the Spirit, this same Life, Life Everlasting.
Rejoice! The old man is dead and all things are new!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Are we not yet aware? Do we not yet have eyes to see? Have we yet not understood? The one called our enemy after being soundly defeated and stripped of all authority, still speaks his untruths to the ever waiting ears that want to be tickled that they, in the words of the tired old phrase, “may have their cake and eat it too” (i.e. you can be your own god).
Having understood that the Law of Moses would not lead to righteousness for mankind but place ever increasing burdens and chains upon them, the enemy of God and man has convinced the populous yet again to create more laws over and over again to attain to the Ten Commandments. Yes the populous, because the popular opinion is ever more increasing that we need more laws to create “the perfect state of equality and fairness”.
And there are aplenty, those who have no light of the truth, who stand waiting to not only pass those laws but administer them to bring all into societal obedience to that fairness; although never seeing the end that awaits them, for the scripture is true and cannot be denied that, “There is a way which seems right to man, the end of which is death (separation from God and thereby Eternal Life).
When asked what law was the greatest, most important, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself for all the law and the prophets hang on these two.” Since we now know that Jesus fulfilled the whole of that law there is now but one law that we need and that is, “The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” All now hangs on that Truth for out of the Spirit come the Truth that is Life, and the whole of it for holy living.
There come now those who want to disparage the preachers of “Grace” and claim that what they teach is heretical and that “believers” as taught by them are led to believe they can have their proverbial cake and eat it free of charge without “doing anything”, the same phrase twisted just enough to cause confusion and dissension in the ranks of the yet immature. How can it be so misaligned, regardless of any monikers attached, that grace would not be now-grace, the unconditional favor given out of an omnipresent God?
The spirit of the world would also have us believe in a yet to be baked cake. Oh, they say all the ingredients are there, but you can’t have it yet because the cake is not done never mind that Jesus said, “It is finished”.
Who I ask has their tongue and their allegiance? Who is it that would make the Word of God of no effect? Certainly it is not those speaking out of the Spirit of Truth. Like the Pharisees of old whom Jesus rebuked not only for not entering the kingdom themselves but also preventing others who wanted to.
                Thus it now rages, the same age old battle, though the war be won,  between those who have the Truth unto maturity (at rest in Christ) and those who through ignorance or rebellion want not to abandon the way of fleshly indulgences (sons of disobedience). Some fully believe they can do as they will and still receive a crown of glory in “that day”. In the saving of the soul by grace through faith they are not yet at all acquainted. If they were they would immediately be shaken that they have not embraced every neighbor and especially their brethren and thereby not demonstrated the Love of God.
                So I urge NOW put aside every encumbrance, come now and seek the One who is the “Perfect” and through grace gives to every seeker His Perfect Law of Liberty. He will in no way ever refuse those who come to Him. Why would He refuse, for is it not His Father (and ours) who draws?
                I NOW SHOUT - Come NOW to the mountain of the Lord, established in truth and grace and all that is of righteousness, and sit at the feet of the One who in the cause of Love shed His own blood and brought to all a new and living way, the way of the Spirit who is sent to guide all into the fulness of Life Eternal within the Father and the Son!
You have just got to know He has a NOW place all readied for you! Come NOW and take your seat!