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Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Many are those who are occupied at this season each year with shopping for gifts for those they love or those who they want to do something special for. Time and money, in most cases well spent. However, there are other gifts that do not require money.
                You've heard it said, "It is better to give than to receive." There is a lot of truth in that. However, if one has not received first what does he really have to give? We've all been given life. the whole world is free of the former way if they would but take it. Few are they that have pondered that point and fewer still who inquire as to where this gift of gifts has come from.
                Those of us who call ourselves "true believers" have not only inquired, but have come to know the gift of life and that the true gift is a person. His name is Y'shua (Jesus in English) which means God is deliverance/salvation and through this gift access to the source (the Giver) of all life can be found and received and taught how to live the life He gives.
                The most wonderful thing is we can have this life just for the asking. Once we have it, we come to find that it is so much more than we ever thought or imagined because this life is not only everlasting but truly infinite. The more we seek of this eternal life the more we find. The more we ask of this eternal life the more receive.
                The more we "feed" on this life the more we grow and the stronger we get to live in accord with what we've been given. You will become addicted to this life, which to coin a phrase, "is the Good Life".
                Is there some special way to ask for this life? Yes, there is. Answer the calling, the drawing to your source, your maker who is always available and ever ready to bring you into His goodness to see, to hear and to know Him and the special things He has for you.
                He has promised that if we ask of Him for anything we need, not from Him but of Him, He will make it come to pass. The only thing we must do is believe that what we desire of Him, (again not from Him) He has already put within your heart to ask and has prepared it, custom designed for you.
                Please note, if whatever you desire is not of Him, He does not have it to give. Oh, He does require you give Him something to enter the "giving place", which He refers to as His Kingdom, where He rules and reigns. You must give to His Son who is at the door of the "giving place" all your resentment of others; i.e. you must forgive and let go and ask Him to forgive you. When you honestly ask for forgiveness it is readily available and immediately given as if there had been nothing to forgive.
                When you enter the "giving place" you will be led by someone especially assigned to you to guide you, teach you and direct you to all that the Father of All has specifically for you. Here it is that many have pause and think of all the things they want of this world like material possessions, fame and fortune. Throw those thoughts away and;
                Think about this. The One who created heaven and earth and everything therein has drawn you to Himself because He has of His very being something specifically designed for you just because He loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love. And furthermore, if you will take of this love that He gives, with no strings attached, He will put you with others of the same heart and mind to be about establishing and expanding His Kingdom of the Rule of Love in the earth.
                Oh, and to top all that off He will make you to be just like Him. Why? So you and He and all others like the "new you" would be as One in the earth as in Heaven.
                The Bible calls this as being conformed to the Image and Likeness of Christ Jesus.
                There is no pain when He removes, only gain and gain upon gain. The mind set upon things of this world is not the mind of Christ and will lie to you to keep you bound to the ground. God says over and over again, "I will." He follows that up with, "Who then is it that can reverse it". No one, of course! People are always saying that by your non acceptance you reverse it. Not true. What God has said is always there, is always ready and waiting for you to join Him. When we join with Christ in what He has said is Truth we become one with Them, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
                His word is always present because He said it is forever settled in heaven (the spirit) and He is the one who performs it, not us. The renewed mind is little by little renewed to that which already is. As we say the Amen and the I am to the things given us we will come to know the truth and the truth will make us free in Him. Free to love unconditionally even as He loves unconditionally. Lord hasten the day when I too can fully say, "I am unconditional love", because my living is out of the unconditional love I live within.
                I used to think that I was just being honest when I agreed with the Liar that I wasn't what God said I was. I now know that to be untrue. I am everything that my Father has said and it is He working in me to bring it to establish it for His divine purpose. I quit "kicking against the pricks" and acknowledged that I be as He says I be, notwithstanding what I do. I am His child regardless of what I do. But even as it is in the world, it will not go well with me if I do contrary to what He, my Father has instructed me. Once I realized that my doing would never diminish His unconditional love for me I hungered even more after Him and His presence inside me to be the life to live.
                How is it that we keep asking for His presence and He is the God who is ever present always at once? As He has said, "Come now, and let us reason together." Now always is present. You cannot live life in the past or the future. Life can only be expressed (lived) in the now. The life He gives is the abundant life out of the eternal now. Now I be. Now I am.
                I've been given a choice to make in the now. Believe what He says of me and act like it or don't. It is my choice. Bad choices result in bad stuff happening. You can think you are doing the right thing but if it does not line up with God's instructions you are headed for a train wreck. Heed His instructions and you will always be on the right track and pointed in the right direction.
                On the mount of transfiguration God told Peter, James and John, "This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him!" He is saying the same today and every day. Get still of heart and soul. Quiet your soul and listen for the voice of the Shepherd of your soul. He will speak when you give Him your full attention. After all, He is the Father's gift to you.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


"My Life is in you. Therefore live out of that Life. My words are spirit and they are eternal Life. You have been given the word." Believe within Him who is that Word given to you. He is the tree of Life. Eat of that tree.
                The eternal One says, "Ask of Me anything according to My will and I will give it. Seek Me and you will find Me. I have already provided all that you will ever need within Me because I AM, I AM WHO I AM."
                If you believe you are a victim, you will be. If you believe you are not delivered, you aren't. However, if you believe you are free, you will be and you will act in accordance with that belief. Therein is the proof of what you believe because out of that which you  believe you will think, say and do.
                Paul said that he was convinced that nothing in heaven of earth or under the earth could separate him from the unconditional love of God. Are we convinced of that love? Do we act in accord with that love? Have we been made one with that love? Each has to answer accordingly.
                The unconditional love of God has been deposited within each who believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and that whosoever believes in Him will have become one with that love which is life eternal. If you believe you are a son or daughter of God then prove to the world you believe you are by acting out of unconditional love.
                Quit measuring yourself with the wrong measuring stick. Accept with all finality it is God who called you and has already in His own mind completed you within His Son and already conformed you to His image and likeness. God has said that what He begins He finishes. God said we would be holy as He is holy. Holiness is wholeness of spirit, soul and body.
                See now your spirit body as one with the risen and ascended Christ for it is within Him that we exist and therefore now live and move. As Paul said, "I no longer live but it is Christ who lives in me." We have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ. Within Christ there is no wanting to be because therein all is made complete in grace and truth out of righteousness and holiness of the veritable essence of truth.

                When we yield to that which has been put within us (the Kingdom) and forget about self-actualizing, self-consideration, self-improvement etc., etc. of self, self, self - then and only then can we truly see we are one with the Holy One by His doing. As we rest there, the place within Himself already prepared then the reality of that positioning becomes even more real. If that doesn't make sense to you, then know that the one who has called and continues to call you to be one with Him is awaiting your request to make Himself known to you. By the way, His name is Y'shua meaning God is deliverance/salvation. He is the true door to reality.