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Monday, February 23, 2015


There is no compromise in the Kingdom of Heaven (Spirit of God). Everything is pure, perfect and Holy. If we approach the "Lord's prayer", with the same attitude as we reverence the Lord then we would approach too this prayer that Jesus gave the disciples in all humility, honesty and awe and respect. And what is prayer?
                Prayer is 1st the Way that we come into the Presence of the King which is to empty self of self motives and realize that apart from Christ Jesus we can do nothing on our own out of self. He is the door to the Way Everlasting.
                Secondly the path is Christ. He does not merely lead us to a path. He is the path and the Holy Spirit is more than willing to guide us along this path which is the path to and of Truth, again it is Jesus. The path is the path that leads to Eternal Life, which is God Himself. The scriptures teach us that Jesus is The Life Giving Spirit and no one comes to the Father but through Him.
                You will know when you are in His Presence because therein is no fear at all only unconditional love. There is no compromise within His love where you see Him as He is and are changed.

                If you are praying, "Your Kingdom come" know when it does come it comes without any compromise of the Truth, which is Christ.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


              Jesus said, "I AM the way and the truth and eternal life." and "I will ask the Father and He will send the Spirit of Truth to You."
              Paul said, "He who is joined with Christ is one spirit with Him." Little by little, line upon line of the truth we are changed through this mystical joining with the truth which is Christ Jesus Himself. So then if you love the truth you love Him for that is who He is.
                In Ezekiel 36 and 37 The I AM WHO I AM says He will put His spirit into His people to hear and obey His statutes, His instructions, His commands, His ordinances, and thereby instill justice. He also says that it is not for our sake that He does this but for His name's sake, His purpose and His end.
                When we see any truth know this, that we have seen Jesus and we need to immediately take hold of it (Him) and walk in it (Him) because it is of Eternal Life (Him). That little preposition -of-, do not pass by it so quickly in the future because it means something is joined with something. Of Christ means out of His being and coming toward or into something/someone else. And you will never speak of that something but in the present tense ever again because once established it remains ("I will never leave you or forsake you.").

                I am of the considered opinion that to see Him as He is we will be changed and therefore each time we see (which includes hearing, smelling, touching, tasting) Him in any aspect of His Divine Nature it is immediately imparted to our soul to be made one with His spirit and we are forever changed.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Would it not now hold true that if I and others like me are one with the Lord and the Father that we have been mislead to believe that our God is hidden from us? Another lie uncovered.
                John 14:21 - Jesus says that those who love Him, and thereby keep His commands, He and the Father will love that one and will reveal, disclose, show, manifest to him "Myself". When Jesus said this He was speaking of something in the future after His death, burial and resurrection. Well, the future is now and He brought us into the now to ever be our future when He revealed Himself and we realized we are not of this world but from the Highest place . What is this Highest place? What is this now? It's the Oneness we have with the Father and the Son in the ever present now.
                On February 2, 1981, while silently crying out to the Lord, Jesus disclosed Himself to Me in the passenger seat of my car, and as I am prone to say, like a jillion tiny high intensity lights in the form of a man, and spoke these words, "I've been here all along", that shot through my right hip and diffused through my whole being, spirit, soul and body thereby making me one with His words. I now have come to know that to be full immersion into Him also known as the baptism.
                Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians said that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us with every spiritual blessing within the heavenly realms within Christ according to His choosing us within Him (Christ) before the foundation of the world so we would exist blameless in His presence within unconditional divine love.
                Peter said in his 2nd letter that the divine power has granted us all things that pertain to eternal life and reverence unto God that we would come to the fullness and completeness that comes from being one with the divine nature.
                We come to know Him and in so doing we come to know who we are within Him. The Father said that we would be holy because He is holy. Because of what Jesus has provided it now is that we be holy. The revelation of that only comes as we seek Him for who He is and His purpose, not ours. If we come to Him to get from Him something not provided in Him we err and are truly "missing the mark". He is now and ever will be all that we now or ever will need for within Him the fullness of the Godhead dwells forever.
                It is difficult to cast off old ways of thinking, but not impossible. Therefore be like Paul who said he put off the past as worthless and forged ahead to know Christ even as Christ knew him to be. We call it "Oneness". Christ Jesus calls it I AM.