Are you locked in time? God isn’t. He established time when sin came into the world. It is part of His plan to redeem the world that was originally created and Adam gave over to God’s enemy.
The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal Life.” Jesus is quoted as saying, “I am eternal Life.” He also said, “Whoever comes to Me I will in no way cast him away form My presence.”
In the “fullness of time” Jesus came, completed the Law of Moses and paid the price required by the Father to redeem all that was lost through Adam’s disobedience. The Bible says, “He sent His Word and healed all our disease.”
When you were born again from the highest place you became a new creature and born into a new creation. The King of that new creation is Jesus and we are the joint-heirs of His Kingdom. He has seated us with Him in the Heavenlies far above all rule and all power in Heaven and Earth. Has seated is past tense. Is there a future past?
I believe it does mean that if you were born again you are no longer subjects of this world but of a new world that is far above time. But being born again does not endue one with power to overcome the old world. That is why the Holy Spirit was sent at Pentecost, to endue with power from on high.
Jesus said to the disciples after the resurrection as He breathed on them, “Receive holy spirit.” Most translations erroneously put the article “the” in front of holy spirit thereby making the reader believe that Jesus imparted the person of the Holy Spirit. The original language says, “Receive spirit holy.”
If it was the case that it was “the Holy Spirit”, then there was no need for them to wait another ten days in the upper room after Jesus’ ascension for the Holy Spirit that the Father had promised.
Jesus also said, “He who wants to gain his life (Gr. psuche = soul) in this (lost) world will surely lose it (utterly destroy it), but he who loses his life (Gr. psuche = soul) for My names sake will surely find it and find it to life eternal.”
The psuche or soul is composed of the mind, will and emotions. An expression applied far too often makes the point, “He/she has lost his/her mind.” It should be obvious that when observing such a person we should pray for them, Christian or not.
Since Jesus is not coming back until the restoration of all things foretold by the prophets (Acts 3:19-22) who is it that is going to do the restoring? I believe it is the manifested sons of God spoken of by Paul in Romans chapter 8 who will bring the glory of God. When God presents Himself everything in His presence must conform and come in order. God in His wisdom and grace does not show up where He will not be received.
First things first – “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness (Jesus).”
It is therefore incumbent upon us to come to the fullness that is Christ in order to “redeem the time because the days are evil” and “call those things that be not as though they were”, by bringing light into every vestige of darkness and speaking truth with one another.
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