Page Tabs

Friday, August 2, 2013


The news is out all over town that the USA is coming down. I ask, “Down from where?”
Down from the height of greed? Down from the height of permissiveness? Down from the height of personal liberty run amuck?  Down from the height of deception?
                Friends, you get the point. Or do you?
                All these things are down and all around people are wallowing in them. They have lost their way and gone to the deepest of the dark places because their heart is dark and there is no light of understanding in it. They have become the collective void and the collective waste.
                How can I say that? Because all I see and hear is I, I, I, me, me, me, vanity of vanities.
                Christians – wake up!!
                You have been eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and your GLUTTONY has resulted in a fatness that is killing you and even worse it has separated you from the free gift of God.
                How can you say that? Been there, done that and bought a whole closet full of ever larger T-shirts. When I put my eyes back where they belonged my soul was washed and refreshed and I was given the “eyes of understanding” (it’s called being one with Him).


                The purveyors of doom and gloom are running wildly through the church and not without reason although many of them are of the world and chasing its riches (wolves in sheep’s T-shirts). Warnings are all around that truth is not being spoken (especially with any authority) and in some places in the USA is actually forbidden to be spoken. Now just who do we think (if we still can) is behind all the lying, all the deception, all the chaos and all the crises?
                Where have all the righteous gone, long time passing? Driven by insatiable desires they have forsaken the Way and allowed, yes allowed their freed soul to be once again enslaved to those desires which are void of life, liberty and happiness and property.
                Why do we keep looking to the things of earth to satisfy our soul? If we are looking for love there we are looking in the wrong place. The things of the earth will not love us back, nor can they. They are of the ground and whatever is of the ground is dirty, grimy and void of life.


Look to the highest – “Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”.
You say, “I tried that and look what I got. Ridicule, persecution, bankruptcy, divorce, sickness, disease of every kind.”
The only way I can respond to that is you were looking to the wrong Jesus. You were looking for the easy way. You were looking for a sugar daddy that would satisfy all your wasteful desires. They all left you where you reside now, calloused, broken, enslaved and sick. In simple terms your motives were not right. You never even gave the first full on attempt to “work out your deliverance in fear and trembling”. You are where you are because you are where you be. “As a man thinks in the depths of his soul so is he”.
You say, “But the preacher laid hands on me and said if I accepted Jesus I would be rich.” All I can say is that if the preacher was not making you a disciple of the Kingdom way he did not tell you the entire truth and was speaking of a different Jesus because Jesus said,


In another place He said, “The Kingdom is within you”.

That means it is within your reach. When we humble ourselves and turn to Him He gives authority to take it, to eat it, to become one with it and to henceforth live it. If we join our person, our new self with Him we become one with Him in spirit and that is the spirit of liberty.

He is a good Father and wants to give good gifts to us but He will not give anything that will cause us to be separated from Him. He wants, and because of what He did for us even demands that He be first place within our life and our living. Sounds selfish of Him some would say. Not so, He has vowed to and within Himself (we call this the covenant) to protect us, even protection from our own self. Now that sounds like a good Father to me.

All He is requiring of us is that we turn to Him regardless the need and ask and believe without doubting we have that for which we’ve asked of Him and from within His Kingdom it will come forth.

SO NOW, YES RIGHT NOW IT IS UP TO EACH OF US TO TURN, REPENT FROM STINKING THINKING, AND THE KINGDOM WILL BE REVEALED. As WE continue in the Light of His radiant splendor we will become all too willing to burn ALL those old stinky, grimy, gritty T-shirts.

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