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Tuesday, November 11, 2014


      Are we not the most happy when we are in the presence of unconditional love? Does not joy flood our being when the abundance of unconditional love bursts forth out of that which we have received and freely released to others? Do we not experience the most security when bounded by unconditional love? Do we not sense our own completeness when wrapped within unconditional love?

                I do hope and pray that the above are merely rhetorical questions to you and that you have had repeated experiences with that unconditional love which comes from its true source - our Father which is in heaven who came to earth in the form of His Son and is now establishing unconditional love where He wills - which is everywhere all the time.

                Whether you call Him Father, or Lord, or Jesus, or Y'shua is not as important as that you call upon Him who said, "I AM WHO I AM". As the omniscient One He knows the depths of everyone's heart and therefore He knows when a person is calling upon Him. 
                It is the call from an humble heart that gets His ear. I know from experience. I have called upon Him from deep within and never uttered a sound from my lips. He answered me and revealed Himself to me in more ways than I can count. He is always waiting for our call.

                Seek Him who is unconditional love. Ask Him for that which is eternally unconditionally free because He never withholds anything of Himself. You will find that it has already been given and is ever near just for the asking. And when you take it you will also find you will not store it away but you will gladly give that love away! It is impossible to withhold from a needy soul.

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