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Sunday, September 29, 2013


The scriptures say that whatever we sow we will reap. It's a fact that if you sow corn the crop you reap will be corn. And in like manner if you sow hatred you will probably reap hatred. Anyone who thinks has probably come to this realization themselves and yet many still hate.
                In another place the scriptures say that if you sow to the flesh that from the flesh you will reap only destruction. Why? The flesh is temporary - dust to dust. Whatever is out of the earth returns to the earth. Some things consumed are not beneficial to the longevity of the flesh and so the time of return to dust is hastened.
                It is my observation that Americans are obsessed with sowing to the flesh. Food and drink is one type of seed that is sown. Spas, gyms, nail shops, autos and parts, drug stores, clothing stores and on and on it goes, all serving the flesh.
                There is great demand for those who will serve others flesh. So where is their focus and what are they sowing to but a never ending cry of the flesh to be served.
                But is it really the flesh? Not really. It's the soul (mind, will and emotion) that retains the memory of feelings of momentary pleasure. It is the soul that is hungering to be satisfied. The soul merely comes into agreement with "whatever feels good do it". For many it's the touch of the body to the body (their own or someone else's). For some it's the feeling of being in control over their body. For far too many it's the feeling of being in control of others. And sadly for most it's the attitude, "I want it and I want it now" regardless of tomorrow.
                The end result of that path, that behavior is that people come to the end and are not satisfied but instead are filled with regret. As the song goes, "Looking for love in too many places, searching for love in too many faces..."
                The Apostle Paul addresses this when he continues his statements about sowing and reaping by saying, "...but he who sows unto spirit will out of the Spirit reap that which is out of eternal life". Jesus came to save the soul and said, "I AM Eternal Life."
                So the question must continually be asked of the Spirit, "Is this of You?" It's not the same answer for each thing for each one for we all have our God purposed destiny. One thing is clear, however, that whatever is of the flesh will end but great is the promise that whatever is birthed out of the Spirit is forever.

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