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Friday, September 27, 2013


Only when you’re hanging on the tree of Life because of the words/actions of others is it then that you can say, “Father, please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. They who persecute can even kill the man but they can never kill the God in the man. The one who has died to his flesh is the one who can live of the Spirit.
                How is it that we who have been delivered out of the grip of eternal separation from God be so self focused that we once again go to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to think that now it’s OK to again eat there from? I think we may have not in full measure understood the difference in forgive and remit or receive.
The flesh wages war against the soul. It has an ungodly desire to be in charge. But is it really flesh? Of course not, it is the house of cards we've built with lust filled lies in our mind.
                True forgiveness results in absolution of the event, a judgment of not guilty. That is what God has already done through Jesus. How can I do that? Only by going to the cross ourselves is it possible. If we can’t love our brother and sisters enough to forgive something he/she has done how is it that we can say we’ve received the love of God?
                Come now let us reason together. If my sins have truly been remitted, taken away by Jesus so I can never find them in the sea of God’s forgetfulness, then how can I go back to doing the same thing over and over again? Could the answer be that I have not really fully received and used the gift I’ve been given. I have been given freedom from ever missing the mark again so how is it that what has been taken away I go try to dredge it up again?
Like Eve have I been deceived by my thinking that once enlightened I will be able to  go on as if nothing needs to change in my day to day? Yet it is worse than Adam and Eve. They were ashamed and tried to hide from God.
I became so arrogant that I became everyone's critic and all the time I was eating of the wrong tree. It is by grace and through faith freely given that I live in the Truth Tree and not of the liar's tree.
            Jesus said if you want to follow Him you have to give up that old way of thinking, die to it by putting it daily upon your cross that you carry. Later He made the way to accomplish that by hanging all the sin of the world all the way back to Adam and Eve and all future sin on the cross and after doing so was raised as the New Adam of the new earth and to give us eternal life out of that earth. That is why He said, “I am the way…” He has made the way for you to think as He thinks… Holy, Pure, Perfect and empowered you to Love with the Love from above. Do not neglect so great a gift. HE IS OUR EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD (Gen 15:1).

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