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Tuesday, February 18, 2014


If you obtained life out of  the spirit of eternal life (Elohim or the Father) does it not also hold that your living be also provided within that same spirit of life. Another way to say the same thing is that if you were born out of the spirit is it not true that out of that you will have your life and therefore your living of life. It is therefore the truth that by grace, the immeasurable gift of Father God, you have been given a new way of living because you have been given the same spirit of life that raised Jesus from the dead.
                The result of living from the flesh is separation from all that by the spirit of grace has been given us. Therefore now receive the way to live and reckon once and for all time the old way separated from you for you have been born from above all that is of the earth.
                How was this done? Is there something I must do? Let me explain it this way, even as you go about in your daily life choosing things over other things so God chose you from before you were born of the flesh and now calls you unto Himself to live the higher spirit life over the lower flesh life.
                Like begets like. Flesh begets flesh and is ever headed to decay. But the spirit of life gives that which is born and borne out of the true life, life eternal. If you serve the flesh which in its end dies what has it profited your soul but nothing. However, if of the spirit, the Spirit that is eternal life is served many blessings flow.        
                It is written and appointed that the only way to the Father of eternal life is through Jesus Christ who died to the flesh once for all those born of the flesh. We can only find the ways of eternal life by abandoning each and every moment the flesh life destined to be destroyed and answering the call to take that which has been freely given. For the Father so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son through whom we obtained eternal life even before we were born of the flesh.

                How then must I live this life given so free?
                How can I take it all in?
                How is it that I live no longer and yet be?
                How am I removed from sin?

                Only through truth upon truth and line upon line
                Hearing the word given established out of grace
                Taking what's been given unto a life sublime
                Seeing the beauty of true life's eternal face.

                All of the Father has freely been given
                And can be found only within the one
                So reckon self dead to how you've been livin'

                And therein you'll find life to live within the Son.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Why is it that after we have answered the calling to come to Him for our salvation that we who were so filled with a desire to know more of Him drift away? Or we having "our afterlife secured" we go our way to build a life only to find success elusive at best and at its worst a pitiful example for others. Or for some they just wait and wait "going with the flow" while doing their best hoping that is enough for some magical something to change everything to blessings upon blessings.
                If you can identify with these my struggles, I have "good news" for you. Because our creator loves us so much we have been given out of His own being every spiritual blessing and all things pertaining to eternal life and godliness (godlikeness) but we've not been taught or understood that all is only found within the eternal life that is Jesus Christ. We thought we were given a gift to go on our merry way to act and to do as we pleased. Not so.
                There is no other name than Jesus by which men must be saved, delivered out of our lowly state. We all have been given a new life and given the way to enter the source of that life to live every moment of every day within and out of that life. John chapter 15 gives us this principle. When we give up the old way of thinking, acting and doing and accept this new way of living we soon will encounter the one who called us to enter.  He is the vine from which life flows. Everything we need has already been provided. But if we refuse to be one with that vine, if we refuse to enter that life and abandon the old we will not receive any of the benefits of that new life.
                We all have been invited. Yet most have refused, wrongly thinking that the life they have been given is only to be received at some future date after they have died or when Jesus comes back. The good news is that He sent His Spirit to lead us into this new and living way.
                That life and that living way are always near because they are in the NOW. NOW ever is present in a word so when the word is heard that "NOW is the day of salvation", that is the eternal word of life speaking . NOW-faith is, contains, is complete in life, and is our assurance of all things hoped for and the tangible evidence of things not yet appearing in this realm.
                All who call upon His name Jesus,(Yeshua in Hebrew, which means God is salvation), will be presented with all that He is. He holds all things together because it is He who made it all. All began with Him and all ends with Him, rather within Him (within His authority).
                Out of His eternal unconditional love for us He has beckoned us with a heavenly calling. Called by that name to enter that name which provides the way to enter and to stay day after day on the inside of that name where comes the revealing that He alone is eternal life and He's asking us to enter that love life, to no longer live for self but to give our all to Him. In exchange He gives His all to us.
                What is the first step? Believe upon the name for it is He who is life and that life is only in Him.
                Be fully immersed, baptized, into His name Yeshua, becoming one with Him, infused with His life and you will be led into a place of intimacy which will change you from the inside out. He has already provided the way for you through His Holy Spirit to come to know Him in His completeness.
                 Jesus made the point that when we live within His words we will not only be His true disciples but will know the truth which will make us free. He also said that if we live, make our home, within His word of unconditional love that we could ask anything according to that word that He is and the Father (Creator) would be glorified by providing that for which we ask.
                So then what is the outcome? It is an out-flowing from the true life that is within us to bring true life to those caught in the trap of the world and its religions. Take what has been freely given and give it away. The name, give out of the name to those who the Spirit leads and watch what happens.
                A little song was given to me by the Lord over twenty years ago:

                We come in the name of the Lord
                To set the captives free.
                We come in the name of the Lord
                Proclaiming liberty.
                We come in the name of the Lord
                To deliver from suffering and shame.
                We come in the name of the Lord

                We come in Jesus name.