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Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Many are those who are occupied at this season each year with shopping for gifts for those they love or those who they want to do something special for. Time and money, in most cases well spent. However, there are other gifts that do not require money.
                You've heard it said, "It is better to give than to receive." There is a lot of truth in that. However, if one has not received first what does he really have to give? We've all been given life. the whole world is free of the former way if they would but take it. Few are they that have pondered that point and fewer still who inquire as to where this gift of gifts has come from.
                Those of us who call ourselves "true believers" have not only inquired, but have come to know the gift of life and that the true gift is a person. His name is Y'shua (Jesus in English) which means God is deliverance/salvation and through this gift access to the source (the Giver) of all life can be found and received and taught how to live the life He gives.
                The most wonderful thing is we can have this life just for the asking. Once we have it, we come to find that it is so much more than we ever thought or imagined because this life is not only everlasting but truly infinite. The more we seek of this eternal life the more we find. The more we ask of this eternal life the more receive.
                The more we "feed" on this life the more we grow and the stronger we get to live in accord with what we've been given. You will become addicted to this life, which to coin a phrase, "is the Good Life".
                Is there some special way to ask for this life? Yes, there is. Answer the calling, the drawing to your source, your maker who is always available and ever ready to bring you into His goodness to see, to hear and to know Him and the special things He has for you.
                He has promised that if we ask of Him for anything we need, not from Him but of Him, He will make it come to pass. The only thing we must do is believe that what we desire of Him, (again not from Him) He has already put within your heart to ask and has prepared it, custom designed for you.
                Please note, if whatever you desire is not of Him, He does not have it to give. Oh, He does require you give Him something to enter the "giving place", which He refers to as His Kingdom, where He rules and reigns. You must give to His Son who is at the door of the "giving place" all your resentment of others; i.e. you must forgive and let go and ask Him to forgive you. When you honestly ask for forgiveness it is readily available and immediately given as if there had been nothing to forgive.
                When you enter the "giving place" you will be led by someone especially assigned to you to guide you, teach you and direct you to all that the Father of All has specifically for you. Here it is that many have pause and think of all the things they want of this world like material possessions, fame and fortune. Throw those thoughts away and;
                Think about this. The One who created heaven and earth and everything therein has drawn you to Himself because He has of His very being something specifically designed for you just because He loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love. And furthermore, if you will take of this love that He gives, with no strings attached, He will put you with others of the same heart and mind to be about establishing and expanding His Kingdom of the Rule of Love in the earth.
                Oh, and to top all that off He will make you to be just like Him. Why? So you and He and all others like the "new you" would be as One in the earth as in Heaven.
                The Bible calls this as being conformed to the Image and Likeness of Christ Jesus.
                There is no pain when He removes, only gain and gain upon gain. The mind set upon things of this world is not the mind of Christ and will lie to you to keep you bound to the ground. God says over and over again, "I will." He follows that up with, "Who then is it that can reverse it". No one, of course! People are always saying that by your non acceptance you reverse it. Not true. What God has said is always there, is always ready and waiting for you to join Him. When we join with Christ in what He has said is Truth we become one with Them, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
                His word is always present because He said it is forever settled in heaven (the spirit) and He is the one who performs it, not us. The renewed mind is little by little renewed to that which already is. As we say the Amen and the I am to the things given us we will come to know the truth and the truth will make us free in Him. Free to love unconditionally even as He loves unconditionally. Lord hasten the day when I too can fully say, "I am unconditional love", because my living is out of the unconditional love I live within.
                I used to think that I was just being honest when I agreed with the Liar that I wasn't what God said I was. I now know that to be untrue. I am everything that my Father has said and it is He working in me to bring it to establish it for His divine purpose. I quit "kicking against the pricks" and acknowledged that I be as He says I be, notwithstanding what I do. I am His child regardless of what I do. But even as it is in the world, it will not go well with me if I do contrary to what He, my Father has instructed me. Once I realized that my doing would never diminish His unconditional love for me I hungered even more after Him and His presence inside me to be the life to live.
                How is it that we keep asking for His presence and He is the God who is ever present always at once? As He has said, "Come now, and let us reason together." Now always is present. You cannot live life in the past or the future. Life can only be expressed (lived) in the now. The life He gives is the abundant life out of the eternal now. Now I be. Now I am.
                I've been given a choice to make in the now. Believe what He says of me and act like it or don't. It is my choice. Bad choices result in bad stuff happening. You can think you are doing the right thing but if it does not line up with God's instructions you are headed for a train wreck. Heed His instructions and you will always be on the right track and pointed in the right direction.
                On the mount of transfiguration God told Peter, James and John, "This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him!" He is saying the same today and every day. Get still of heart and soul. Quiet your soul and listen for the voice of the Shepherd of your soul. He will speak when you give Him your full attention. After all, He is the Father's gift to you.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


"My Life is in you. Therefore live out of that Life. My words are spirit and they are eternal Life. You have been given the word." Believe within Him who is that Word given to you. He is the tree of Life. Eat of that tree.
                The eternal One says, "Ask of Me anything according to My will and I will give it. Seek Me and you will find Me. I have already provided all that you will ever need within Me because I AM, I AM WHO I AM."
                If you believe you are a victim, you will be. If you believe you are not delivered, you aren't. However, if you believe you are free, you will be and you will act in accordance with that belief. Therein is the proof of what you believe because out of that which you  believe you will think, say and do.
                Paul said that he was convinced that nothing in heaven of earth or under the earth could separate him from the unconditional love of God. Are we convinced of that love? Do we act in accord with that love? Have we been made one with that love? Each has to answer accordingly.
                The unconditional love of God has been deposited within each who believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and that whosoever believes in Him will have become one with that love which is life eternal. If you believe you are a son or daughter of God then prove to the world you believe you are by acting out of unconditional love.
                Quit measuring yourself with the wrong measuring stick. Accept with all finality it is God who called you and has already in His own mind completed you within His Son and already conformed you to His image and likeness. God has said that what He begins He finishes. God said we would be holy as He is holy. Holiness is wholeness of spirit, soul and body.
                See now your spirit body as one with the risen and ascended Christ for it is within Him that we exist and therefore now live and move. As Paul said, "I no longer live but it is Christ who lives in me." We have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ. Within Christ there is no wanting to be because therein all is made complete in grace and truth out of righteousness and holiness of the veritable essence of truth.

                When we yield to that which has been put within us (the Kingdom) and forget about self-actualizing, self-consideration, self-improvement etc., etc. of self, self, self - then and only then can we truly see we are one with the Holy One by His doing. As we rest there, the place within Himself already prepared then the reality of that positioning becomes even more real. If that doesn't make sense to you, then know that the one who has called and continues to call you to be one with Him is awaiting your request to make Himself known to you. By the way, His name is Y'shua meaning God is deliverance/salvation. He is the true door to reality.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


        Could it be that when Jesus said, "Go into all the world...", He was not merely speaking geographically but also to world systems and cultures including governments, business, education, entertainment, etc.? Taxation and wealth redistribution fit in here. Don't let the talk fool you. It is not a redistribution to the poor because that is a smokescreen. It is a redistribution to the uber rich, the few extremely rich. And remember, "it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than a camel to go through the eye of a needle".
          The invasion of earth was to be of a new creation who in the image and likeness of the creator would drive evil off the earth wherever it appeared by a spirit renewal  in the lives of men. This change would liberate them from all the world systems, to be truly free and readied to introduce others to the "new" way of life. Instead of wasting energy by "working" within the old order we can now be among those who create a new heaven and earth.                       Light is needed to dispel the darkness. Velocity is needed to leave the gravitational pull of the earth. Wind is needed to dissipate the smoke. We've been given all these as creatures of the" new and living way" in order to escape the corruption that is the world's systems. Aliens some would call us. From another world. Some would say we are crazy and fools and yet here they are doing the same thing day after day expecting a different end to the day than the day before, the month before, the decade before.
          People in captivity eventually become comfortable in their prisons being reduced to laborers for the "system" and made to think they are "living the good life". You have to make a conscious choice to escape and the way out of captivity is already provided. The Lord said, "Ask Me, I'll show you. Trust in Me, I do not lie. Come close to Me and follow Me until you become one with Me. Invest your time in Me and you will find the wisdom you need to obtain to the real wealth."
          My wife heard this upon arising not long ago, "Compounded interest." We know about compound interest but compounded interest is the compounding of the compounded. We know this as exponential increase. Starting out small but over time as compounding occurs multipliers come into action giving a result far greater than that which was in the beginning.
          What you know today of truth when added to more truth increases exponentially because truth is a principle that can be applied to many areas. Truth is like a double edged sword. It will, when applied cut away lies, all that is false and at the same time implant a seed to grow. Every seed has within it the life force to be that which the creator intended. Christ in you is that seed, and God the Father put you into Him as well. You might say, "We are founded, surrounded, impounded, grounded by the ever present reality of The Father's Love."
          You are within Him and He is within you and He has made you a joint heir with Him. We are in the earth as the glory of God. We need to act like it. We need to exalt Him by the way we speak and act. I like to say, "Know Him and make Him known."  
          We are always suggesting to people to try this new thing or that new restaurant or this new song, etc. Why is it then so hard to simply say, "Try Jesus. I think you'll like Him and maybe even love Him and want to know Him more and more."

      I, in and of myself, cannot and do not change anyone, I am a simple messenger revealing the who I've come to know and I want others to know. I repeat His words because not only are they spirit, they are eternal life. It's your to take, so take it.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Each of us want there to be solid ground beneath our feet. We cringe at the thought of our life suddenly  being swallowed by a "black hole". Gripped by the fear of the unknown, we do not venture there. We want "things" to remain static, explainable, constant - solid.
                Is this not where we are today? At some point on the time line we all come face to face with this present "reality". It is not just the "enlightened" who must pierce the strongholds of the present. We all hope in the tomorrow or we would simply die in the present "reality" and resign our soul to the grave of hopelessness and despair.
                I remember a time years ago when I was, even as now, "working out my salvation in fear and trembling" and reading the words of Jesus, "Rejoice, I have overcome the world!"  and my response was, "That's great for you but what about me?" I was at the time as they say "a Billy goat Christian"; always inserting the word "but" followed by "what about me?"
                That's the disease that Jesus came to make us free from - self. His tools? Blood and words. Death and resurrection life. Faith  comes by hearing truth and trust in those words will deliver us out of the "black holes" and place us into the Light of our true being.
                Out of our own mouth, words uttered by us will either  justify or condemn (Matthew 12:37). And words once released, are "out there" and reveal who we are and who we are "walking" with.
                When it is revealed to us that our heavenly Father loves us not from afar but up close and personal and is ever ready to embrace us and not only us but all of us, is it not true that when we do allow Him that intimacy we will want to pursue even more His words which are truth fused one with wisdom and unconditional love out of and for all of eternity.
                When we take what it is that we've been given out of the eternal love of our Father we will not only want to share with others we will share because that love cannot stay hidden and He will not allow it to stay hidden.

                He becomes the solid rock upon which we stand. He is the Light removing us from the black holes. He delivers us out of fear through unconditional love which love is static, constant, solid, yet to those who have experienced it they still cannot fully explain it. They can merely invite others back to the Father's House where they belong.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


      Are we not the most happy when we are in the presence of unconditional love? Does not joy flood our being when the abundance of unconditional love bursts forth out of that which we have received and freely released to others? Do we not experience the most security when bounded by unconditional love? Do we not sense our own completeness when wrapped within unconditional love?

                I do hope and pray that the above are merely rhetorical questions to you and that you have had repeated experiences with that unconditional love which comes from its true source - our Father which is in heaven who came to earth in the form of His Son and is now establishing unconditional love where He wills - which is everywhere all the time.

                Whether you call Him Father, or Lord, or Jesus, or Y'shua is not as important as that you call upon Him who said, "I AM WHO I AM". As the omniscient One He knows the depths of everyone's heart and therefore He knows when a person is calling upon Him. 
                It is the call from an humble heart that gets His ear. I know from experience. I have called upon Him from deep within and never uttered a sound from my lips. He answered me and revealed Himself to me in more ways than I can count. He is always waiting for our call.

                Seek Him who is unconditional love. Ask Him for that which is eternally unconditionally free because He never withholds anything of Himself. You will find that it has already been given and is ever near just for the asking. And when you take it you will also find you will not store it away but you will gladly give that love away! It is impossible to withhold from a needy soul.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


             At dawn's first light the True light of the world returned. We who have experienced the darkness and now have the light as our life do ever rejoice that the True Light is ever present and the darkness can no longer suppress the Truth. Resurrection Life was manifest that day and He who is that Life is never going away! Celebrate Life!
                So as I welcome the new day (every day is new) I now have a new practice. I seek first to go to my Father in heaven and the Son whom He sent and partake of a break-fast like no other. I go to the table of my Lord, my Master, my King as a servant-son to dine on the Bread of Heaven and the New wine. There, knowing full well that my Father has already planned my day, I inquire as to what He desires of me.
                Often He just says, "Rest here and eat and drink. I have a few things to work out before I send you". As I rest in His presence He reveals more of Himself and I take and eat. Often I realize that something is imparted but I have no idea as to what or when it is to be revealed to those outside.
                Since He is the one who created time He alone is in control of it and just as when time was fulfilled He sent His Son so now it is the same for each of us. We are sent only in the fullness of time to those on the time line to speak and to do of the Father's good pleasure.
                So, here I sit, typing these words as they are given, my ear ever attentive to what He has given me to hear.  I often begin to run ahead and think of words to type but by the time I get to the place where I thought they belong He gives to me a different word, one much more appropriate for the message He wills to convey. Through this process I am learning to ever lean not on my own understanding, though it be of a truth previously revealed, but to stay in the moment He has prepared from which I am to take of Him.

                This is the witness I now bring. As we offer our body as a living sacrifice we will come to depend wholly upon His Life that is alive in us by His doing, that we are endued with that life in order that we  ever live out of that Life to make Him known in the earth.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


So many words are made to make us focus on self rather than on Him. Provision has already been ordained. We hear that He will provide rather than He has already provided. We hear you can do this, you can do that. Jesus said, "Separated from Me you can do nothing".
                If you believe something you have already been given is not available to you until some unknown date in the future I submit you will never have it to make use of it. Someone once said, "There is no someday on the calendar."
                "All the promises of God are (NOW) yes and amen within Christ Jesus." God is a NOW God, an all the time God, a 24/7 God, and is ever present everywhere at once. I heard this word several years ago when I had need of something, "Ask Me, I'll do it." It is almost as if I had to give Him permission to move on my account to manifest the provision contained within the realm of the spirit (heaven) into this realm and all I had to do was ask.
                In meditating upon this I see that when we go to Him and ask aloud for something that we know He has and is willing to give we bring to light our dependence upon Him to do whatever it is within the spirit realm of heaven to manifest it into the earth while at the same time giving Him preeminence in our life to His glory. By simply asking anything contained in His name we honor that name. His name is "I AM".
                I AM deliverance.
                I AM salvation.
                I AM whole.
                I AM eternal life.
                I AM truth.
                I AM shalom.
                I AM One.
                I AM all you need.

                Have you heard the call to be one with I AM? If so, reckon it so! If not ask, He is waiting.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Who are you walking with?
      Many "believers" say in response, "With Christ!" or in "Jesus!". But are we really? If we are accepting anything in our soul life that is not out of God I submit to you that there is some spring cleaning to be done.
      Here as in most of the United States we adopted "Daylight Savings Time" and in order to remind us which way to turn our clocks the phrase "spring forward" is used. So Spring is here and there is some cleaning house to be done by springing forward.
      In springing forward we need to take a look at with whom we are walking daily. Why whom? Because we all have some ideas that we have adopted in our thinking that when acted out do not bring to light the Spirit that is of Christ and therefore do not reveal His character. After all that is who we are to be in this world, a representation of the Christ within.
      Jesus said, "He that is not with Me is against Me..." Uh Oh! The verse goes on further to say, "...and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Matthew 12:30. Again, uh oh!
      Jesus was talking directly to the Pharisees who were saying that He was casting out demons "by the spirit of Beelzebul (satan) the ruler of demons. In verse 35 He says, "The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good; and evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil."
      So the question is to us, "What are we considering as treasure and where is it stored?" Jesus also said, "Store up for yourselves treasures within heaven where the thief cannot come in to steal and moth does not destroy." Luke 12:33. In Matthew 6:20, Young's literal translation says,"...but treasure up to yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth more rust doth disfigure, and where thieves do not break through nor steal."
      The whole idea here is that we must guard our hearts (soul) from our most inner being (spirit)which is within Christ by giving our all (spirit, soul and body) to Him wherein there is no darkness at all, nothing to obscure our understanding of who we are within Him.
      Jesus said, "Unless a man hates his soul within this world he will not to be My disciple." The inference is such a one (who hates not his own soul in this world) will be a disciple of the world and all its lusts and ungodly passions for as the Apostle John said in his first letter, "For all that is within the world, the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the boasting of your physical well being are not out of the Father but out of the world".
      But we who believe have this promise that every promise of God the Father is yes and amen (so be it) within Christ Jesus who not only is our savior but our eternal life and within Him we have been given everything that He is right here, right now. Jesus said, "I AM the way...".

      So therefore we now in all humility receive the word of God within Christ who is our life and no longer will to walk in the former ways of the fleshly mind set but accept our soul as being made free all to the glory of God!

Friday, March 28, 2014


Do you have some smooth stones? What are you doing with them? I suggest that you not cast them at a brother or sister in Christ or anyone else because the giants you think you are slaying are not human, they are spirits that use humans; even righteous ones from time to time. Remember Peter and what Jesus said to him, " know not what spirit you are speaking from..."
                Cursing and blessing should not be coming from the same mouth. James 3:10.
                We should not be talking about the weaknesses of our brethren but building them up through prayer and supplication, through interceding for them when we see error. And yet, first look at yourself because I have found that many times the very weakness I see in others I possess myself. Get the plank out of your own eye first. And if you need to forgive the person for something said out of weakness then do so quickly. Ask that the Lord to reveal the truth of the light within them.
                If they are in Christ they have been deemed for all time and beyond forgiven by God and justified by God himself, so who are we to pass any judgment on them? Their walk may not be perfect in your eyes but they are the righteousness of God in Christ.
                If we are truly dead to the flesh in Christ how is it that we see others in the flesh? Paul's exhortation in 2 Corinthians 5:16 was, "...we from the now regard none according to flesh...". Did you see the word "none"? My bet is he meant none, no one.
Set you mine on things above, not on things that are on the earth - Col 3:2 - directing the mind to seek for things above
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God - Col 3:3 - to conceal, to be laid up
and to make all men see what is the administration of the mystery which for ages
has been hidden in God, who created all things through Jesus Christ - Eph 3:9
the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation
of the mystery hidden for long ... Now all glory to God, who is able to - Rms 16:25
God has hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge within Christ. - Col 2:3 - hidden away, secret, stored up
Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, out of (literally out of the source and extending to its impact on the object) whom the all (implied all things) and also we into (literally motion into which, implies penetration)  Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through (literally successfully across to the other side) whom the all and (also) we through (literally successfully across to the other side) Him. - 1 Cor 8:6

It would be well for all Christians to fully soak into 1 Corinthians 1:29-30 wherein Paul states that the flesh has no boast before God because out of Him (God) you exist within Christ Jesus who has come into us being wisdom from God, righteousness both also sanctification also redemption...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Do you when your body is sick or injured in some way not do everything you know to do to get well or repaired? Why then would you give a second thought that the Lord of Creation will not do the same for His body? The good news is that it is done and awaits your acceptance. Not the acceptance of a "thing" but the acceptance of the Son for it pleased the Father that all the fullness of the Godhead dwell within Him (the Son) in bodily form - that is us, His body which is complete in Him (Colossians 2:6-10).        
                The name Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) means God is salvation/deliverance. He was sent by the Father to bring to those who were estranged from the Father of all back to their origin, their roots, their genesis. The Spirit was sent to restore, to effectuate, to establish the Father's sons and daughters back to the place and position where they belong - the Kingdom of God. For we were not born out of blood, not out of the will of the flesh, not out of the will of man but out of God (Elohim) the Creator.
                The Spirit is given so we can come to know who we were in beginnings. The literal Greek of John 3:16 says," All who believe into Him will not be destroyed but posses life eternal." We are one with Him by the Father's doing - (1 Corinthians 1:30).  The Father's doing was completed before the foundation of the world. Eph 4:4-6 sums it all up by saying there is one body, one spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is upon all and in accord with all is within all.

                So now simply accept who you truly are and allow the self to be removed from the fleshly mind-set and be renewed in your thinking to the new and living way which has been given you out of God's unconditional love which is through Christ within you the hope of glorious eternal life.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


If you obtained life out of  the spirit of eternal life (Elohim or the Father) does it not also hold that your living be also provided within that same spirit of life. Another way to say the same thing is that if you were born out of the spirit is it not true that out of that you will have your life and therefore your living of life. It is therefore the truth that by grace, the immeasurable gift of Father God, you have been given a new way of living because you have been given the same spirit of life that raised Jesus from the dead.
                The result of living from the flesh is separation from all that by the spirit of grace has been given us. Therefore now receive the way to live and reckon once and for all time the old way separated from you for you have been born from above all that is of the earth.
                How was this done? Is there something I must do? Let me explain it this way, even as you go about in your daily life choosing things over other things so God chose you from before you were born of the flesh and now calls you unto Himself to live the higher spirit life over the lower flesh life.
                Like begets like. Flesh begets flesh and is ever headed to decay. But the spirit of life gives that which is born and borne out of the true life, life eternal. If you serve the flesh which in its end dies what has it profited your soul but nothing. However, if of the spirit, the Spirit that is eternal life is served many blessings flow.        
                It is written and appointed that the only way to the Father of eternal life is through Jesus Christ who died to the flesh once for all those born of the flesh. We can only find the ways of eternal life by abandoning each and every moment the flesh life destined to be destroyed and answering the call to take that which has been freely given. For the Father so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son through whom we obtained eternal life even before we were born of the flesh.

                How then must I live this life given so free?
                How can I take it all in?
                How is it that I live no longer and yet be?
                How am I removed from sin?

                Only through truth upon truth and line upon line
                Hearing the word given established out of grace
                Taking what's been given unto a life sublime
                Seeing the beauty of true life's eternal face.

                All of the Father has freely been given
                And can be found only within the one
                So reckon self dead to how you've been livin'

                And therein you'll find life to live within the Son.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Why is it that after we have answered the calling to come to Him for our salvation that we who were so filled with a desire to know more of Him drift away? Or we having "our afterlife secured" we go our way to build a life only to find success elusive at best and at its worst a pitiful example for others. Or for some they just wait and wait "going with the flow" while doing their best hoping that is enough for some magical something to change everything to blessings upon blessings.
                If you can identify with these my struggles, I have "good news" for you. Because our creator loves us so much we have been given out of His own being every spiritual blessing and all things pertaining to eternal life and godliness (godlikeness) but we've not been taught or understood that all is only found within the eternal life that is Jesus Christ. We thought we were given a gift to go on our merry way to act and to do as we pleased. Not so.
                There is no other name than Jesus by which men must be saved, delivered out of our lowly state. We all have been given a new life and given the way to enter the source of that life to live every moment of every day within and out of that life. John chapter 15 gives us this principle. When we give up the old way of thinking, acting and doing and accept this new way of living we soon will encounter the one who called us to enter.  He is the vine from which life flows. Everything we need has already been provided. But if we refuse to be one with that vine, if we refuse to enter that life and abandon the old we will not receive any of the benefits of that new life.
                We all have been invited. Yet most have refused, wrongly thinking that the life they have been given is only to be received at some future date after they have died or when Jesus comes back. The good news is that He sent His Spirit to lead us into this new and living way.
                That life and that living way are always near because they are in the NOW. NOW ever is present in a word so when the word is heard that "NOW is the day of salvation", that is the eternal word of life speaking . NOW-faith is, contains, is complete in life, and is our assurance of all things hoped for and the tangible evidence of things not yet appearing in this realm.
                All who call upon His name Jesus,(Yeshua in Hebrew, which means God is salvation), will be presented with all that He is. He holds all things together because it is He who made it all. All began with Him and all ends with Him, rather within Him (within His authority).
                Out of His eternal unconditional love for us He has beckoned us with a heavenly calling. Called by that name to enter that name which provides the way to enter and to stay day after day on the inside of that name where comes the revealing that He alone is eternal life and He's asking us to enter that love life, to no longer live for self but to give our all to Him. In exchange He gives His all to us.
                What is the first step? Believe upon the name for it is He who is life and that life is only in Him.
                Be fully immersed, baptized, into His name Yeshua, becoming one with Him, infused with His life and you will be led into a place of intimacy which will change you from the inside out. He has already provided the way for you through His Holy Spirit to come to know Him in His completeness.
                 Jesus made the point that when we live within His words we will not only be His true disciples but will know the truth which will make us free. He also said that if we live, make our home, within His word of unconditional love that we could ask anything according to that word that He is and the Father (Creator) would be glorified by providing that for which we ask.
                So then what is the outcome? It is an out-flowing from the true life that is within us to bring true life to those caught in the trap of the world and its religions. Take what has been freely given and give it away. The name, give out of the name to those who the Spirit leads and watch what happens.
                A little song was given to me by the Lord over twenty years ago:

                We come in the name of the Lord
                To set the captives free.
                We come in the name of the Lord
                Proclaiming liberty.
                We come in the name of the Lord
                To deliver from suffering and shame.
                We come in the name of the Lord

                We come in Jesus name.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Caught somewhere between presumption and wishing
I realized and knew something huge was missing.
Having gone around this mountain so many times before
And never finding that "thing" I was looking for
Even repeating all the sayings that seemed so right
And yet here, all over again I'm having to fight
Through all the muck and the mire I presumed was gone
Asking of every step if this is the right path I'm now on.
Can't return to Egypt for there is nothing there for me.
I know beyond knowing that I've been set free
But why I ask over and over am I in this place?
Ever wondering what is in the morrow that I will face.
Why am I waiting for what I do not know will appear
Just to repeat the past failings wrapped in a big dose of fear
That speaks, "Did I not hear to the point of understanding?
I am just flying by the seat of my pants with no landing?
 When suddenly comes the oft heard whisper of despair
From the ancient but defeated prince of the air.
Lost and seemingly helpless is it time to give in
To the thoughts warring against the mind within?
I know, but yet have not wholly taken my eternal stand
That as an heir of promise I do inherit the land.
Then Truth speaks again, "Every battle has already been won".
And quickly as I release all my cares to the Magnificent One
Overcoming is not in some far away ethereal plan
It is now, it is here and it is ever and always at hand.
My heart and my soul breathe and take a giant leap
And from my enemy who seemed so near I hear no peep.
And with renewed vigor and zeal I look around and around
That enemy who seemed so real could now nowhere be found.
Yes, in the absolute of things and as foretold
By the prophets before and of ancient of old;
Yes, even written down over and over again
The God of all Life and Living will always win.
And now He comes speaking as in days of old
To remind us of what His voice in them told.
It now is the time to reckon as here what is to be

His promise alive and living within, alive to thrive in me!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Recently it came to me that Jesus, while in the flesh, walked the earth in flesh but following after the Holy Spirit who was leading Him by His own sinless spirit and therefore He walked in obedience without sinning. However the big separation came on the cross when the Holy Spirit left Him because the Father put all the sin and sins for all time upon Him. Because the life of the flesh is in the blood and the flesh was dead to the Life of God that life of the flesh was poured out, first in the Garden of Gethsemane and then on the cross until the flesh died.
The sky became dark because the light of men was removed. But the Light returned, Jesus arose and ascended and returned to and walked the earth for 40 days as the last Adam, of the new Heaven and New Earth. He left with instructions for the disciples to go wait for the Holy Spirit to come upon them to put upon them and infuse them with this new thing.
They waited for ten days and then on Pentecost while they were waiting and praying, from Heaven came forth the New Earth’s first fruits as the Holy Spirit was poured out upon all flesh. The old man of the flesh was burned away by Love’s passion and those immersed into and birthed of the New Earth began to prophesy and multiply to replenish the earth which was void of the Spirit.
So now we too, whether we understand fully or not, have as God’s free gift new life out of God and are in the world but not of it. Christ is our all in all for “to live is Christ”. It is out of His very essence we testify and our testimony is true that we are forever new within a new and living way no longer separated but joined to Him. It is ours to give, as we are led out of the free flow of the Spirit, this same Life, Life Everlasting.
Rejoice! The old man is dead and all things are new!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Are we not yet aware? Do we not yet have eyes to see? Have we yet not understood? The one called our enemy after being soundly defeated and stripped of all authority, still speaks his untruths to the ever waiting ears that want to be tickled that they, in the words of the tired old phrase, “may have their cake and eat it too” (i.e. you can be your own god).
Having understood that the Law of Moses would not lead to righteousness for mankind but place ever increasing burdens and chains upon them, the enemy of God and man has convinced the populous yet again to create more laws over and over again to attain to the Ten Commandments. Yes the populous, because the popular opinion is ever more increasing that we need more laws to create “the perfect state of equality and fairness”.
And there are aplenty, those who have no light of the truth, who stand waiting to not only pass those laws but administer them to bring all into societal obedience to that fairness; although never seeing the end that awaits them, for the scripture is true and cannot be denied that, “There is a way which seems right to man, the end of which is death (separation from God and thereby Eternal Life).
When asked what law was the greatest, most important, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself for all the law and the prophets hang on these two.” Since we now know that Jesus fulfilled the whole of that law there is now but one law that we need and that is, “The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” All now hangs on that Truth for out of the Spirit come the Truth that is Life, and the whole of it for holy living.
There come now those who want to disparage the preachers of “Grace” and claim that what they teach is heretical and that “believers” as taught by them are led to believe they can have their proverbial cake and eat it free of charge without “doing anything”, the same phrase twisted just enough to cause confusion and dissension in the ranks of the yet immature. How can it be so misaligned, regardless of any monikers attached, that grace would not be now-grace, the unconditional favor given out of an omnipresent God?
The spirit of the world would also have us believe in a yet to be baked cake. Oh, they say all the ingredients are there, but you can’t have it yet because the cake is not done never mind that Jesus said, “It is finished”.
Who I ask has their tongue and their allegiance? Who is it that would make the Word of God of no effect? Certainly it is not those speaking out of the Spirit of Truth. Like the Pharisees of old whom Jesus rebuked not only for not entering the kingdom themselves but also preventing others who wanted to.
                Thus it now rages, the same age old battle, though the war be won,  between those who have the Truth unto maturity (at rest in Christ) and those who through ignorance or rebellion want not to abandon the way of fleshly indulgences (sons of disobedience). Some fully believe they can do as they will and still receive a crown of glory in “that day”. In the saving of the soul by grace through faith they are not yet at all acquainted. If they were they would immediately be shaken that they have not embraced every neighbor and especially their brethren and thereby not demonstrated the Love of God.
                So I urge NOW put aside every encumbrance, come now and seek the One who is the “Perfect” and through grace gives to every seeker His Perfect Law of Liberty. He will in no way ever refuse those who come to Him. Why would He refuse, for is it not His Father (and ours) who draws?
                I NOW SHOUT - Come NOW to the mountain of the Lord, established in truth and grace and all that is of righteousness, and sit at the feet of the One who in the cause of Love shed His own blood and brought to all a new and living way, the way of the Spirit who is sent to guide all into the fulness of Life Eternal within the Father and the Son!
You have just got to know He has a NOW place all readied for you! Come NOW and take your seat!