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Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Recently it came to me that Jesus, while in the flesh, walked the earth in flesh but following after the Holy Spirit who was leading Him by His own sinless spirit and therefore He walked in obedience without sinning. However the big separation came on the cross when the Holy Spirit left Him because the Father put all the sin and sins for all time upon Him. Because the life of the flesh is in the blood and the flesh was dead to the Life of God that life of the flesh was poured out, first in the Garden of Gethsemane and then on the cross until the flesh died.
The sky became dark because the light of men was removed. But the Light returned, Jesus arose and ascended and returned to and walked the earth for 40 days as the last Adam, of the new Heaven and New Earth. He left with instructions for the disciples to go wait for the Holy Spirit to come upon them to put upon them and infuse them with this new thing.
They waited for ten days and then on Pentecost while they were waiting and praying, from Heaven came forth the New Earth’s first fruits as the Holy Spirit was poured out upon all flesh. The old man of the flesh was burned away by Love’s passion and those immersed into and birthed of the New Earth began to prophesy and multiply to replenish the earth which was void of the Spirit.
So now we too, whether we understand fully or not, have as God’s free gift new life out of God and are in the world but not of it. Christ is our all in all for “to live is Christ”. It is out of His very essence we testify and our testimony is true that we are forever new within a new and living way no longer separated but joined to Him. It is ours to give, as we are led out of the free flow of the Spirit, this same Life, Life Everlasting.
Rejoice! The old man is dead and all things are new!

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