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Sunday, April 20, 2014


             At dawn's first light the True light of the world returned. We who have experienced the darkness and now have the light as our life do ever rejoice that the True Light is ever present and the darkness can no longer suppress the Truth. Resurrection Life was manifest that day and He who is that Life is never going away! Celebrate Life!
                So as I welcome the new day (every day is new) I now have a new practice. I seek first to go to my Father in heaven and the Son whom He sent and partake of a break-fast like no other. I go to the table of my Lord, my Master, my King as a servant-son to dine on the Bread of Heaven and the New wine. There, knowing full well that my Father has already planned my day, I inquire as to what He desires of me.
                Often He just says, "Rest here and eat and drink. I have a few things to work out before I send you". As I rest in His presence He reveals more of Himself and I take and eat. Often I realize that something is imparted but I have no idea as to what or when it is to be revealed to those outside.
                Since He is the one who created time He alone is in control of it and just as when time was fulfilled He sent His Son so now it is the same for each of us. We are sent only in the fullness of time to those on the time line to speak and to do of the Father's good pleasure.
                So, here I sit, typing these words as they are given, my ear ever attentive to what He has given me to hear.  I often begin to run ahead and think of words to type but by the time I get to the place where I thought they belong He gives to me a different word, one much more appropriate for the message He wills to convey. Through this process I am learning to ever lean not on my own understanding, though it be of a truth previously revealed, but to stay in the moment He has prepared from which I am to take of Him.

                This is the witness I now bring. As we offer our body as a living sacrifice we will come to depend wholly upon His Life that is alive in us by His doing, that we are endued with that life in order that we  ever live out of that Life to make Him known in the earth.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


So many words are made to make us focus on self rather than on Him. Provision has already been ordained. We hear that He will provide rather than He has already provided. We hear you can do this, you can do that. Jesus said, "Separated from Me you can do nothing".
                If you believe something you have already been given is not available to you until some unknown date in the future I submit you will never have it to make use of it. Someone once said, "There is no someday on the calendar."
                "All the promises of God are (NOW) yes and amen within Christ Jesus." God is a NOW God, an all the time God, a 24/7 God, and is ever present everywhere at once. I heard this word several years ago when I had need of something, "Ask Me, I'll do it." It is almost as if I had to give Him permission to move on my account to manifest the provision contained within the realm of the spirit (heaven) into this realm and all I had to do was ask.
                In meditating upon this I see that when we go to Him and ask aloud for something that we know He has and is willing to give we bring to light our dependence upon Him to do whatever it is within the spirit realm of heaven to manifest it into the earth while at the same time giving Him preeminence in our life to His glory. By simply asking anything contained in His name we honor that name. His name is "I AM".
                I AM deliverance.
                I AM salvation.
                I AM whole.
                I AM eternal life.
                I AM truth.
                I AM shalom.
                I AM One.
                I AM all you need.

                Have you heard the call to be one with I AM? If so, reckon it so! If not ask, He is waiting.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Who are you walking with?
      Many "believers" say in response, "With Christ!" or in "Jesus!". But are we really? If we are accepting anything in our soul life that is not out of God I submit to you that there is some spring cleaning to be done.
      Here as in most of the United States we adopted "Daylight Savings Time" and in order to remind us which way to turn our clocks the phrase "spring forward" is used. So Spring is here and there is some cleaning house to be done by springing forward.
      In springing forward we need to take a look at with whom we are walking daily. Why whom? Because we all have some ideas that we have adopted in our thinking that when acted out do not bring to light the Spirit that is of Christ and therefore do not reveal His character. After all that is who we are to be in this world, a representation of the Christ within.
      Jesus said, "He that is not with Me is against Me..." Uh Oh! The verse goes on further to say, "...and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Matthew 12:30. Again, uh oh!
      Jesus was talking directly to the Pharisees who were saying that He was casting out demons "by the spirit of Beelzebul (satan) the ruler of demons. In verse 35 He says, "The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good; and evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil."
      So the question is to us, "What are we considering as treasure and where is it stored?" Jesus also said, "Store up for yourselves treasures within heaven where the thief cannot come in to steal and moth does not destroy." Luke 12:33. In Matthew 6:20, Young's literal translation says,"...but treasure up to yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth more rust doth disfigure, and where thieves do not break through nor steal."
      The whole idea here is that we must guard our hearts (soul) from our most inner being (spirit)which is within Christ by giving our all (spirit, soul and body) to Him wherein there is no darkness at all, nothing to obscure our understanding of who we are within Him.
      Jesus said, "Unless a man hates his soul within this world he will not to be My disciple." The inference is such a one (who hates not his own soul in this world) will be a disciple of the world and all its lusts and ungodly passions for as the Apostle John said in his first letter, "For all that is within the world, the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the boasting of your physical well being are not out of the Father but out of the world".
      But we who believe have this promise that every promise of God the Father is yes and amen (so be it) within Christ Jesus who not only is our savior but our eternal life and within Him we have been given everything that He is right here, right now. Jesus said, "I AM the way...".

      So therefore we now in all humility receive the word of God within Christ who is our life and no longer will to walk in the former ways of the fleshly mind set but accept our soul as being made free all to the glory of God!