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Thursday, February 21, 2019


The you, that which you, me, us thinks we are is not the you God knows you are. You are spirit of His Spirit and soul of His Soul and have been all along. The problem came when the thinking got off the path and trespassed into things of the earth to gratify the flesh-self rather than staying within the Kingdom, the Source of Eternal Life.
If the Truth of your soul’s identity is in Christ, and I assure you it is, then does it not make perfect sense that you pursue Him to discover who you have always been? It was Christ Jesus Who is the exactness of our Father expressed by the Father out of His Spirit to appear in a flesh and bone form.
People are wanting to know their “gift”. They are the gift, given by God within Christ to share which we are with all. Being beings of Christ, the Anointed, we each are anointed within our Anointed Oneness released as a gift to a fallen cosmos where we are to share our share of the Presence of God, our Father. Jesus was the Light in the earth to reveal, to show us the Way of Eternal Truth out of which we emerged through the Living Word.
Our emergence as a perfect being in God, a being of His Being, was thwarted when we decided to marry the flesh made stuff which in the End is nothing of our Spiritual Father. Our identity within God was lost to our mind, but never to His. God never has lost anything that He created, made, formed out of His own Being. Why? Because it forever remains joined to His Being and is sustained within His Being.
In this we are now beings one within His Being of Truth Eternal. Therefore we live and move within Truth even when we deny Truth, or do not know Truth. If Truth is presented to us, and I assure you it is daily, and we deny the Truth, it does not and cannot eliminate Truth except in our own mind. God is Truth. Such denial only prolongs our misery within the earth suit we were to have dominion over from our beginning within a Truth Word.
We are now, were in the beginning and always will be of, and therefore one within the Father’s Being. We were given dominion over the earth (that’s where flesh comes from) and were to be the head over all the earth (flesh) as one Being joined to Christ from within His Image and Likeness we emerged. How did we emerge? By and through the Living Word that has always been within the Father.
That is why it becomes of most import that we listen before we speak. We were made in the image and likeness of God and therefore our words must be of Him, out of His Being, or they are worthless, filled with vain, empty, void of Truth sayings.
If we allow, after hearing the Truth Speak Living Words out of our Father’s Faith, to again by entrapped by the ego, the false identity, we err greatly. The double souled man is never at rest, peace, completeness, but has a mind that is divided between that which is of Truth and that which is a lie. Not being convinced that he is who God says, he leans always to his own understanding within which he created a god unto himself, of himself, for himself. That is pride compounded, and called the ego.
The I AM WHO I AM spoke long ago, through those who gave their voice to Him, that it would not, could not, and will never go well with those who speak words that are true but do not believe in those words as Truth in order to conform to the world as others have proposed and postulated that it is.
When we humble our self we will encounter Truth, the True Love we’ve desired all along. However, if we do not accept Truth as He is, we do our self harm when we pursue the things of this world, this place of disorder and chaos created by egos intent on stealing, killing, destroying every spiritual blessing in Christ and all things that pertain to eternal life and God’s image and likeness.
It is our ego that wars against our soul breathed into us by God of His Soul. Jesus said that He was sent of the Father to restore our soul to the beginning and there we would find our end within our joint oneness – Atonement Realized!

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