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Sunday, February 17, 2019


I believe most people want to belong and to be loved and so adopt a persona they think others will be attracted to. Why? I hear this from people who believe they are being honest when saying, “If others really know me as I am, they would not like me.” Again, why?
Because they do not like the person they believe they are. So here are some questions I’ve asked of myself.
Where is my identity seated? Who or what do I identify with most? Do I align with another’s character? Do I pretend to be someone other than who I “feel” I am? What image am I trying to project? Why that image?
If we are attempting to project to the outside world not what we think we are on the inside, would that be dishonest and lying to others and our self? Do we then project a lie? What then is our motive for lying?
I sense, very strongly, that most people are living two lives. One is a pretender to the outside to create the perception of who we would like to be and the other they sincerely believe is the real them.
The western “church” for the most part has enforced the idea that we are all sinners and even though we “believe in Jesus” we must wait until he returns in a flesh and bone body to destroy forever “the devil”. Then and only then, it’s preached and taught, will we magically be like Him so we can be free to do our own “thing”, (never being taught that we are doing our own “thing” now).
In the meantime, we are to “hold on”; “be brave”; “be good”; “hang on”; and foremostly “take care of yourself”. Oh, and give your tithe to the church so nothing worse will come upon you. Do not hold anyone to account for their unrighteous acts because, “As you judge you will be judged.”
If that sounds like where you “live”, I’ve got some extraordinarily Good News. The Truth of your identity and mine has been withheld from us, not by God, not by Jesus, not by the Holy Spirit, but by lies we’ve believed as taught by those who have not yet discovered the “enemy of their soul”.
The reason so many are confused about salvation is they have been taught by other egos as taught by other’s egos, and on and on it goes. The ego is that within us that is a false soul. The Bible talks about that as being double-minded. The ego, we created, actually hates the things of the Spirit.
Why create an ego? Because we’ve not been taught properly. The ego only “loves” self. Why? Because of fearing the worst in every scenario we needed to be in control of our own soul. Why? Because God left us on our own, “until Jesus returns”. No He did not! He sent the Holy Spirit to lead us into All Truth which is Christ Jesus the Word of Truth through Whom All things emerged.
When we discover that the Truth of our identity is Truth we will begin our walk toward All that has been given out of Truth which is our holiness and righteousness. When we discover these words, “As He is, so are we”, we will ask to be cleansed of all the stinking thinking that is not “as He is”.
When our eyes of understanding are opened to see “Him as He is”, we shall be changed. Suddenly we find our True identity is one with our Deliverer, now out of darkness and into Light, which means out of lies that “created” a false image called ego and returned to our Truth identity. As sons and daughters of the Most High God we emerged out of His Being pure, perfect, whole, complete in/within His FAITH.
As such, we now eat from the Tree of Life the Words of Faith and grow in Grace and Truth of our identity which is seated within the Anointed of God and of His Anointing, His Character, His Very Being.
We come to Him to learn of Him as the Holy Spirit teaches us who we were in the Beginning, before the fall. We learn that we of God our Father were not guilty of anything but were deceived even as Eve by the whisperer of lies that told us we could become all we desired, and the world was to serve our every desire for things of the cosmos. Thus, looking to the cosmos of our making to sustain us and give us all we desired we gave our thinking to a false vision of self called ego, denying God as our Father out of Whom we had emerged.
Even as Adam and Eve did, we try to hide our trespass into foreign “lands” of knowledge and transgressed the boundaries of All Truth. We lost our Way already provided to Live and were estranged from our Father until we were approached by Truth and the error of our ways to discover our True beginning and identity as one within Truth.
The Truth causes us to abandon the ego, and all its falsities and we realize and become aware of our True being as a member of the One Body of One Spirit of One Faith. Then the egomaniacal liar becomes nothing to us and even non-existent. Knowing the Truth, we now are empowered by Unconditional Love to live and move with our True and Eternal Existence as One.
Good News, delivered!

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