it be that when Jesus said, "Go into all the world...", He was not
merely speaking geographically but also to world systems and cultures including
governments, business, education, entertainment, etc.? Taxation and wealth
redistribution fit in here. Don't let the talk fool you. It is not a
redistribution to the poor because that is a smokescreen. It is a
redistribution to the uber rich, the few extremely rich. And remember, "it
is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than a camel to go through
the eye of a needle".
The invasion of earth was to be of a
new creation who in the image and likeness of the creator would drive evil off
the earth wherever it appeared by a spirit renewal in the lives of men. This change would
liberate them from all the world systems, to be truly free and readied to
introduce others to the "new" way of life. Instead of wasting energy
by "working" within the old order we can now be among those who
create a new heaven and earth. Light is needed to
dispel the darkness. Velocity is needed to leave the gravitational pull of the
earth. Wind is needed to dissipate the smoke. We've been given all these as creatures
of the" new and living way" in order to escape the corruption that is
the world's systems. Aliens some would call us. From another world. Some would
say we are crazy and fools and yet here they are doing the same thing day after
day expecting a different end to the day than the day before, the month before,
the decade before.
People in captivity
eventually become comfortable in their prisons being reduced to laborers for
the "system" and made to think they are "living the good
life". You have to make a conscious choice to escape and the way out of
captivity is already provided. The Lord said, "Ask Me, I'll show you.
Trust in Me, I do not lie. Come close to Me and follow Me until you become one
with Me. Invest your time in Me and you will find the wisdom you need to obtain
to the real wealth."
My wife heard this
upon arising not long ago, "Compounded interest." We know about
compound interest but compounded interest is the compounding of the compounded.
We know this as exponential increase. Starting out small but over time as
compounding occurs multipliers come into action giving a result far greater
than that which was in the beginning.
What you know today
of truth when added to more truth increases exponentially because truth is a
principle that can be applied to many areas. Truth is like a double edged
sword. It will, when applied cut away lies, all that is false and at the same
time implant a seed to grow. Every seed has within it the life force to be that
which the creator intended. Christ in you is that seed, and God the Father put
you into Him as well. You might say, "We are founded, surrounded, impounded,
grounded by the ever present reality of The Father's Love."
You are within Him
and He is within you and He has made you a joint heir with Him. We are in the
earth as the glory of God. We need to act like it. We need to exalt Him by the
way we speak and act. I like to say, "Know Him and make Him known."
We are always
suggesting to people to try this new thing or that new restaurant or this new
song, etc. Why is it then so hard to simply say, "Try Jesus. I think
you'll like Him and maybe even love Him and want to know Him more and more."
I, in and of myself, cannot and do not change anyone, I am a
simple messenger revealing the who I've come to know and I want others to know.
I repeat His words because not only are they spirit, they are eternal life. It's your to take, so take it.
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