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Saturday, November 12, 2016


As I look back to my childhood, as far as I can I see, God the Father has always been with me. Through the things my Mother told me of her being pregnant with me I also see He was there in the womb with me. He did indeed from me while in my Mother’s womb.
She told me that in the seventh month it was as if something “hit” her in the womb and I flipped. That turned out to be the enemy because I was born breach and with the cord around my neck. God had a better plan and the Doctor’s hands that delivered me were guided by the God of Life.
Jesus said that when the Word of God is sown the enemy comes to steal it. I now know beyond doubt that I am of and therefore one with The Word of God called into being for His purpose.
In the sixth month of my earthly existence the enemy came again to destroy that which God had purposed. I became severely dehydrated due to dysentery and was near death. The local Doctor arranged for my parents to take me to a Catholic Charity Hospital where they found a man with my rare blood type to do a transfusion.
My Mother said that immediately the color came back into my face and I was cured. Grace was with my parents and with me because God’s calling is irrevocable.
At age four I had to have an emergency appendectomy. At seven had to have a tonsillectomy. At age eleven diagnosed with epilepsy and took a drug for ten years. Diagnosed at the same time with two hernias and not allowed to run and jump. Also, buried alive that same year under a sand hill but rescued by my brother and a friend. God looks after His Word to perform it.
Began attending the Methodist church at age two when a young girl asked my Mother whether she could take me. She came every Sunday for four years to take me with her to church. I do remember standing before the congregation somewhere around five years old, or younger, to make a statement.
At six began attending the Lutheran Church across the street at the urging of our landlady. This church is where my Father’s family attended but left because of a falling out with the pastor. At age eleven was “confirmed” by that church. (This was the indoctrination into religion that I did not like but did not know why until age 39).
From age 16 until somewhere in my late twenties attended little “church”. During this time there was a constant awareness within that I was missing something. You bet I was. I was missing the “mark” big time.
But at age 39 (one stripe for each year of my life) I did cry out, silently from deep within and the Lord of all Mercy and Grace appeared to me to put me on the path He had already made for me. He immersed me into His Light and His Word.
Tried twice to apply to seminary but the Lord would not allow it and said He would teach and train me in the Way I should go.

All this is to say that when our Heavenly Father has a plan for someone’s life He sees it to its determined end in Christ. And now 36 years later I am beginning to see with increasing clarity of who I am within the Anointed One, Yeshua, and to say as Paul said, “To live is Christ. I no longer live. It is Christ Who lives in me.”

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