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Monday, December 9, 2013


As you walk the path chosen for you today keep the eyes of your soul now-joined with the spirit upon the light that is within the path. Each step taken into the light will be a step foreordained for you and will be steps of peace and joy in the spirit. The soul not fully submitted to the spirit will sometimes not be in peace to move.
                Peace is not necessarily the absence of conflict. But in Him, within the sphere that is Christ, the soul will find its rest even when moving from place to place.
                He is the one who keeps your spirit whole, entire, lacking in no good thing. It is the exercise of your will to now-join with the spirit. "He who joins himself with the Lord is one spirit with Him." This tells us that when we now-join with Him that we then "know the way" and we shall then walk with Him.
                It is with the heart, the innermost man of the spirit that we believe. When we move toward Him in our seeking, He moves toward us. As our mind is stayed upon Him our mind of the soul is now-joined to the mind of the Spirit which is the mind of Christ.
                Looking unto Jesus not merely our forerunner but also the author and completer of our faith for the good work that was started by Elohim Jesus has finished for all time; that is that the whole world be reconciled to Elohim by and through the Son Jesus  Christ. Therefore look not to the things that appear but to the completed work which nullified the things that were. Looking to Jesus who is our eternal life, who is our Way to the Father (Elohim) and the Truth that is established as the new heaven and the new earth.
                No longer citizens of the world but now of the household of faith we proclaim that the plan of God from the beginning had as its focus that all that was made and would remain would be made through the Son. And in order to bring all into submission to Him we have been freely given faith to believe that who He says we are we now in this age truly are. Not having to wait any longer on the time line but all who receive Him as their eternal life do in fact have eternal life now within Him and His authority to give Life.
                By observation of things made we can see that nothing that was made was made mature but little by little a man gains much and so it is with the life given us that it grows from within until we have served our time in the time line. You are not of the world but merely in it for a time in order to be light to the world. It is continually so for us who believe that "in the fullness of time God sends His Son".
                Have no fear for the love of the Father has chosen to give you the kingdom and its mysteries that were hidden in Christ. Why continue to ask for what is already given?  The urgency of the times calls to us to take that which has freely been given-Christ in you the hope of glory!

                The true gift has been given to all but it must be opened in order to avail oneself of its contents.      " Ask and it shall be opened"!

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