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Saturday, December 7, 2013


Intently look upon the cross. Ask the Lord to fix your gaze upon Jesus on that cross and make real to you that the old man of sin that enslaved you was on that cross in Christ. Not just some sins, but all and for all time. Even as the Hebrew children gazed upon the serpent on the stake in the wilderness and were healed now understand that Elohim put all the nature of sin filled flesh upon Jesus and we all  were healed once and for all and delivered into eternal life within Christ.
                In the book of Isaiah we read and we so often repeat that prophetic word, "...and by His stripes we were healed". Mark quoted Jesus in chapter eleven of his book, "Have God (Elohim) faith". That faith, the very faith of Elohim which is given as a free gift by and through the Spirit, is now resident in your spirit because "out of God (Elohim) you are in Christ" and if you are in Him you are within that which now is and is forever.
                Restoration is available to all of all that has been taken through the great deception that says we can be our own god. When Adam and Eve believed that they could be their own god they in effect chose to separate themselves from God. There is continually before us two choices, our way which leads to separation from God's way or the Way - Christ.
                Paul said that above anything else he wanted to know Christ to the end that he (Paul) might be resurrected out of the death that is the flesh while still in it. How then can one know Christ like that? First and foremost as with everything else we must come to believe that our life is His to do with as He has planned from before the foundation of the world and go to Him without ceasing (commonly called prater) in order to "see" and "do" the plan.
                Jesus said without Him we can do nothing, which for me means outside of His plan for me I can accomplish nothing that is everlasting. My destiny is sealed in Him and therefore I must go to Him for everything I need or desire.
                When it was revealed to you that Christ was in you, you realized that you were one with Him, who is your real life. Now you must go(humbling self),  to Him (who is your real life) to spend time (which is not actually spent) in order to know completely what you have been given. You then will come to know that your trust within His being will be rewarded with a permanence you have not yet experienced.  
                Now faith  means that we in order to "see" and "do" have to have (possess) God (Elohim) faith and the only way to possess it is to take it for it has been freely given to us in Christ, who is our now life and all that pertains to now life. It is now that, within Him indeed we live and move and have our being within Him.

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