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Thursday, December 19, 2013


I am truly saddened today by all this bickering about whether we do or not out of “our own free will”. Before He presented Himself in this realm as the last Adam he was a “human” in the “flesh” and in all ways was even as we, “human”. However, different than other humans who had at that time only been given the “law of Moses”, Yeshua “in the fullness of time” came out of the union of flesh and the seed of Holy Spirit (the Word made flesh and ‘unless a seed falls to the ground and dies…’).
In addition to the spirit within Him, at the appointed time, The Holy Spirit came upon Him and never left Him. To this Spirit He yielded His soul for His Father caused Him “to will and to do out of the Father’s good favor”. And further, although being in form (within) as God, he lived as a man (human) and suffered even as we suffer, in the flesh. But ever yielding His soul to the mind of the Spirit He never missed (sinned against) God the Father but acknowledged Him in all His thinking, speaking and doing becoming as it were the exact expression in word and deed of His Father in order that the Father be glorified through His “humanness”, the manifested effect being that He was a prophetic walking out of who we (in the fulness of time) would each be later in but no longer of the time line.
The new covenant was “cut” on the cross and humanity as frail as it was died and was buried. The new covenant for each of us was implemented when the Last Adam came back on Pentecost (as the Spirit of the Creator hovered over the formless and wasted land, darkness being over the face of the deep) to bring all of the family of God into the house of God’s abode as sons and daughters upon whom the Spirit of the covenant was poured out-even upon all flesh. We are now and forever the adopted, the covenant children of God.
We are now called, i.e. named, the sons of light; and “if your whole being be light you will be totally illumined”. We were immersed into light during our baptism into the Name as well as into the Way into the Truth within the Eternal God Life.
If we NOW be one body with Eternal Life then where is the will or where is the choosing? From the head who NOW is Christ, comes the will and we then the body perform that which is willed by the head (for without Me you can nothing) .
Out of God you are NOW within Christ Jesus (the free gift) and what God has joined together (the true baptism) no man can separate. That means, “It is finished!”

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