The last couple of days I’ve been
reminded of a vision I had last year while in worship. I saw a long line of
people of all ages and gender walking in lockstep and locked arms in a straight
line. Then I was caught up to see that they covered the earth and as they
stepped forward darkness was being shoved off the earth. Behind them was a line
of men with their arms behind holding on to a single long rod. Attached to the
rod was a blank canvas.
began asking the Lord, “What does this mean? “ And then appearing on the canvas
was a heading entitled Chapter 1 and underneath the title, LIBERTY, both
written in cursive. I waited for the first paragraph to begin but nothing
appeared and so it has been for the last year. The sense I get is that He has
given each of us the beginning of our own book and its title is LIBERTY.
About twenty
years ago I heard the Lord say, “I am making the leaders all over the world as one.”
I questioned Him by saying, “How is that possible for we as elders in our
little fellowship cannot agree on many things?” He responded, “I will cause all
their eyes to see only Me”.
Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Cor. 3:17 NASB and “But the one who joins
himself with the Lord is one spirit with Him.” 1 Cor6:17 NASB.
One thing is for
certain that He who keeps his mind stayed upon Him will be at peace with and in
writing that book because the Word is already forever established by Him in the
you have believed you’re free within Him and you believe and accept you are one
with Him then as a New Creation you get to write your own book for it is “out
of your belly” and “out of your heart” that come the birthing of “those
things that be not”.
end result is that all those who write their book of life from within Life will
ultimately join with the Last Adam to usher in the New Earth.
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